Saturday, February 29, 2020

Month of February

Hello to everyone reading this! It’s been a pretty easy month since I’ve written the last blog. Since then, we’ve had a test over the Neurology module, as well as our first Cell Control Exam. In regards to Neurology, it was interesting to see all of the treatments that can be used to help patients with mental diseases. It’s really intriguing to see how the field of medicine has developed in the past decade in that there are now new solutions that can tackle what are potentially the hardest diseases to diagnose, and I find it more fascinating that this field continues to evolve. Regarding the tests, they were perfectly manageable, and I’ve never felt more confident in my ability to take what I’ve learned and apply it. I’ve felt that as the year has gone on, the tests have become more straightforward, which is good! It feels as if all I’ve learned in this program is all starting to really ingrain itself into my brain, and it makes me feel great! I hope this feeling carries on into the NBME shelf exam that’s coming in March. In preparation for that exam, I’ve been trying my best to relearn everything I’ve done in the past year. Hopefully, all my efforts will pay off when that exam comes around. Beyond my school work, I’ve also been able to put my time towards volunteering. I was able to do quite a bit of volunteering at the Habitat for Humanities, helping to move stuff around, stocking shelves, and cleaning the place up.  In general, February was a good month. I had a busy few weeks, but I was glad to be able to have a week off to be able to come home and visit my family. Now as March is coming around the corner, I’m powering through these last few months before graduation and am preparing for the big exam.

February Monthly hours: 8
Total Semester hours: 8